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House System

Tanglin Trust School’s House system dates back to 1981 when Tanglin Preparatory School, Raeburn Park School and Weyhill Preparatory School merged to form Tanglin Infant and Junior schools on Portsdown Road.

Forty years on, the Tanglin House system has been unified across the Infant, Junior and Senior Schools and each of the House names – Claymore, Cameron, Raeburn, Alexandra, Weyhill, Wessex, Winchester and Portsdown – honours a significant location in the school’s rich history.

We wanted a school that Ella would really feel part of and where she would feel a true sense of belonging and kinship. Tanglin achieved this through the allocation of the House system, which will stay with them throughout their entire school life in Tanglin, from Infant School to Senior School. The school will also ensure Ella's little sister will have the same House allocation, so our family will forever be Team Cameron! We love how this connects the children of all ages, and on House Fridays, she can see her fellow House members walking around the school, whether they be in Nursery, or older years. – Hannah, Tanglin Parent

The leafy environs of Alexandra Park were used by the Tanglin family of schools from 1972-1996.

A name synonymous with Miss Griff’s Cameron Highlands Boarding School, Malaysia, where children up to age 12 were educated from 1934-1950.

The name of the district housing the Tanglin Club, where Anne Griffiths-Jones first established a school in 1925.

The location of Tanglin Trust School since 1981, Portsdown Road marries “old” and “new” Singapore, with its winding, leafy vistas giving way to a modern  biomedical and technology hub.

Named after Raeburn Park School, an institution established in 1954 for non-service expatriate families and later brought into the Tanglin family.

Wessex Infant School, an old army school, was the site at which Weyhill was established in 1971. The nearby Wessex Estate is still a rich resource for our Infants today.

Named for Weyhill Preparatory School, opened in 1971 and later merged with Raeburn and Tanglin Preparatory School to form Tanglin Infant and Junior schools, in 1981.

This House is named for Winchester Nursery, where Tanglin’s youngest children learned and explored from 1976-1996.
