Meet our Governors
- Mr Dominic Nixon
Mr Charles Thomas
Mr Colm McCarthy
Mrs Diana Dawson
Ms Emma Horstmann
Miss Fang Eu-Lin
Mrs Gina Lee-Wan
Mr Neil Tottman
Mr Rajan Raju Kankipati
Mr. Rashpal Bhatti
Mr Richard Routledge
Mr Robert Arbuthnott
Dr Sue McNamara
The Board appoints separate committees in relation to the following areas of responsibility:
- Making, reviewing, creating and developing policies.
- Commissioning regular independent inspections and reviews of the entire school.
- Establishing policies with regard to enrolment of students, class and form sizes.
- Determining policies with regard to codes of conduct and sanctions for students.
Pastoral and Safeguarding Committee
- To monitor and advise on implementation of best practice surrounding safeguarding and child protection.
- Review and monitor pastoral care practices and structures.
- Ensure policies and procedures related to safeguarding, pastoral care, and wellbeing of students are reviewed and updated.
- Appointing the CEO and members of the Leadership Team.
- Establishing remuneration levels as well as conditions of service for staff.
- Determining policies with regard to codes of conduct and appropriate sanctions.
Finance and Risk
- Outlining annual capital and operating budgets.
- Setting school fees and building fund contributions.
- Establishing funding and investment policies.
Real Estate and Campus Development
- Leasing the land that the school occupies.
- Taking responsibility for maintenance of current buildings.
- Planning the development of new facilities and premises.
Development and Alumni
- Strategically positioning marketing, communication, alumni and The Institute's activities.
Group Corporate Secretariat
Chen Mee King, Group Corporate Secretary and member of the Management Team