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Placement Rights

Tanglin Trust School has a programme of Guaranteed Placement Rights*, designed to offer accelerated access to a small percentage of places in exchange for a significant contribution to the school. Guaranteed Placement Rights offer a guaranteed place at the school.

These are available for Term 1, 2 and 3 entry.

Prospective applicants (corporate or individual) must meet with the school's normal admissions criteria. More detailed information is available below. A limited number of Placement Rights are available and they will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Please click here to view the Guaranteed Placement Rights Terms & Conditions.

Guaranteed Placement Rights

A Guaranteed Placement Right will act as an instrument to guarantee the place of a student into the school.

The general terms and conditions of a GPR are outlined below:

Price $165,000 exclusive of GST ($178,200 inclusive of GST)
Term 7 years
Priority A GPR will enable a student to a guaranteed place at Tanglin Trust School subject only to Tanglin's assessment procedure. A GPR will rank behind staff but in front of all other applicants.
Trading GPR's are not tradeable on the open market, nor can they be sold back to the school. Upon expiry or end use, they will lapse.
Conditions A sibling of a GPR will need to be covered by his/her own GPR to gain the same special priority conditions, otherwise he/she will not obtain sibling priority.

Placement Rights FAQs