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Personalised Learning

At Tanglin, we aim to nurture all our students, helping them to flourish both personally and academically.

With this in mind, the Junior School has a dedicated Personalised Learning Team who strive to support children in reaching their individual potential.


Enrichment provision in the Junior School provides an additional level of support in all classes. Appropriate depth of learning for students with a higher level of understanding is an integral part of our comprehensive educational programme.

We aim to ensure all students achieve ambitious outcomes through a powerful curriculum that stretches and inspires their learning experiences (of more able students) regardless of students' starting points.

Enrichment interventions foster depth of learning through specific curriculum support which aims to deepen students' knowledge and skills in their journey towards mastery.

Learning Support

Enabling all children to flourish and thrive is central to our Learning Support ethos, where every child is entitled to access a broad and balanced curriculum that facilitates their individual development.

In the Junior School, we have a well-resourced Learning Support team, who can provide a range of interventions to support the learning needs of any child who experiences challenges that require additional provision.

Assessment tools are used to track progress, determine the correct level of support and create a personalised learning journey. Where necessary, Individual Education Plans are created, which provide achievable and measurable targets that are regularly reviewed.

Our Learning Support team play a strong role in providing a positive and supportive setting to inspire and enable confident, open minded, independent thinkers, who are given the opportunity to achieve success in their learning.

Precision Teaching

Excellence for all is at the heart of our Precision Teaching interventions with the aim being to further enhance and accelerate progress in reading or writing.

Precision Teaching is a dynamic and responsive layer of provision that ensures all students meet and often exceed expectations. Regardless of their individual starting points, students invited to participate in these interventions make positive gains in their learning, demonstrated in their increased levels of confidence, independence and skill mastery. This is achieved through a bespoke curriculum, designed and delivered by an English specialist, that enables small groups of students to consolidate and deepen their understanding and application of key skills.