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Service Learning

Service Learning

We are fully committed to our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Purpose and aim to nurture a sense of service in our children.

Tanglin is socially responsible and proud to contribute to the future of Singapore and the world. We believe that everyone in our community can make a difference and we hope that by the time our children leave us they have an informed conscience and the will to act upon it.

From Nursery through to Sixth Form we embed service into children’s experience. In every child’s journey through the school there is the opportunity for meaningful engagement with the local community and the world beyond.

From 3 years old, we support our children’s understanding of global issues and the need for service work. Classes in the Infant School support their own charity and through the Student Council, Infant children can give their input into which charities to support. They also regularly organise fundraising activities and host fun play dates with children from a local children’s home.