Progress & Reporting
We are constantly seeking to strengthen our partnership with parents and one of the ways we do this is through reporting to parents and actively involving parents in their children’s learning.
At the start of the year, we have orientation sessions for new families; these are repeated termly for those new to Tanglin. We also have information evenings for all parents in August; this is an opportunity for parents to meet the new class teacher and to find out about the year group routines, special events and expectations.
We have an open door policy - teachers are always available to meet with parents at a mutually convenient time throughout the year and discuss any concerns.
Each term, we welcome parents to an open morning, which provides an opportunity for children to share and celebrate their learning. We also have more formal Parent Teacher Conferences in September, February and June. The February and June Parent Teacher Conferences follow the publication of the Mid-Year and End of Year reports and provide an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s class teacher on an individual basis, discuss the reports in more detail and review their child’s learning and next steps.
Progress Reports are written at the end of Term 1 and all children receive a summative report in June.