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Coaching Testimonials

Coach 1
Being new to coaching, I was unsure what to expect from my training and coaching sessions. The model of coaching has taught me a great deal about how we communicate and the power of reflecting questions back to a person for them to find their own solution. I have been most inspired by this idea. I now believe that we personally can find the answers to issues and problems we face, and I often find myself coming back to these ideas in my own life when faced with a decision. 

I am most excited to continue using coaching in my leadership style as a new Head of Year and I hope that it gives my team ownership of their career progression and space to develop and improve our year group. 

Coach 2
I really enjoyed the course and learnt so much about listening to others. It has changed the way I work with colleague (asking for permission, the big picture, what would be the ideal outcome).
Coachee 1
I really enjoyed being coached as it allowed me clarity on several issues. I have asked previous coaches to continue with coaching me.
Coach 3
The course helped me gain confidence and that I can coach others to help move their thinking forward. I really enjoyed the course and I love helping others explore their goals and devise plans to meet them. I also am excited that I can help people explore and maybe change their limiting beliefs.

Coachee 2
Coaching has transformed my life! I have been learning about how to be brave at work and home - and learning what authentic assertiveness means for me. I feel confident now about my ability to meet challenges at work and in relationships. And I know that I can talk with my coach about anything in my life without her judging me. Coaching gives me space to sort out and explore my thoughts and feelings.
Coach 4
The course gave me a solid coaching foundation. It inspired me to learn more, also built up my confidence as a coach. It is powerful to have a coaching mindset and to use in teaching and our day-to-day conversations. I am very excited to introduce coaching to more people.
Coachee 3
Coaching is transformational! I have learnt so much about myself through coaching and have built a much more positive and open mindset. I have become more confident and truly believe in myself, especially when dealing with changes and challenges in life. I really appreciate the thinking space during coaching sessions, and that’s quite often when magic happens.
Coach 5
The coaching learning journey has been one of self -discovery and adaptation. The accreditation has altered what I perceive a good leader to be and the leader I would like to become. My understanding of communication and collaboration has deepened, and I can see how a generative thinking meeting can be so impactful and foster a meaningful rapport. To support others through coaching is something I am looking forward to.
Coachee 4
Being coached myself has brought about a change in my own self-awareness and mindset. The coaching structure has allowed me to dedicate time to think things through in a safe space and uncover goals and solutions that I previously did not recognise.