Progress & Reporting
We are constantly seeking to strengthen our partnership with parents and one of the ways we do this is through organising regular opportunities to give feedback through sharing data and face-to-face Parent Teacher Student Conferences.
At the start of the year, we have orientation sessions for new families; these are repeated termly for those new to Tanglin. We also have Information Evenings for all parents in August. This is an opportunity to find out about year group routines, special events and expectations.
In Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 we have a “Meet the Tutor Day” which gives parents an opportunity to meet the teacher who oversees the daily pastoral care of the students. This happens early in Term 1 to establish positive relations between home and school and to ensure that any teething problems are discussed.
We hold formal Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSCs) in all year groups to review progress on an individual basis. Students are expected to take a proactive role in these meetings. We have found that face-to-face meetings are more effective than written reports, so over the last few years we have increased the number of PTSCs and decreased the number of written reports. Years 7-11 receive two progress reports as well as two PTSCs throughout the academic year. These two progress reports contain attainment grades (one in the case of Year 7), internal examination grades where applicable and an indication of attitudes to learning. Students also receive a written tutor report which is complemented by student self-evaluation.
Although there are many structured opportunities for parents to meet with teachers, parents can also make appointments with teachers throughout the year to discuss any concerns they may have.