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Centenary Speaker Series

The Institute presents a series of talks on the theme ‘Future of…’ as part of our Centenary celebrations. Our speakers will focus on future opportunities, trends, research, and the challenging questions and issues that we will have to address across different industries and disciplines. All our events encourage discussion, questions and engagement with our distinguished speakers.

The Future of Robotics
The Institute, L11, Centenary Building, Tanglin Trust School

Join experts from the James Dyson Foundation for our final speaker series event.

Register Here

2024 Student Research Forum Projects

In March, we celebrate student research projects from Senior School on a variety of topics and projects with an exhibition of their work at the Institute. This year we have seen a range of outstanding projects from a Finance Conference, providing Basic Cardiac Life Support training to underprivileged communities in India to Digital Art inspired by Roe vs. Wade. Project details, videos and papers are shared below.

View Featured Projects



Our Strategic Direction

Outlined below are our current direction and how we plan to deliver The Institute's vision


Creating more opportunities for faculty and student research projects, providing a platform to present and discuss research with experts from academia and industry, nurturing greater interest in-depth study.

For recent projects where students are given opportunities to shine and pursue their interests at Tanglin, click on the link below.

Read Here


Collaborating with practitioners across corporates, government and academia to deliver programming outside our curriculum to develop skills, capabilities, and interdisciplinary thinking through hands-on learning e.g. entrepreneurship projects, industry-specific workshops and mentorship programmes.

Events & Engagement

Engaging thought leaders and organisations across different disciplines to challenge and expand our thinking, and inspire discourse and learning in and outside of the classroom on issues that will impact the future of jobs and education.

Past EvenTS



For enquiries or opportunities to collaborate, please email

Faculty Research

Action Research Projects by Tanglin Teachers

The main focus of what Tanglin teachers conduct research on relates to classroom practice and how to maximise the efficiency of learning both in and outside the classroom. These are examples of excellent action research projects run by teachers striving to be their Personal Best and we hope will inspire faculty members to initiate their own research projects, with support from the Institute and Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

You can also read Tanglin EDU Vol. 5, much of which exemplifies key strategic aims of our school.